Greenhouse Extends Season in Wyoming

A customer in Upton, Wyoming built a 20’ x 40’ greenhouse to cover their raised vegetable beds. They used 3.5mm Solexx as the greenhouse covering to extend their season and get more food production in their harsh Wyoming climate. “Really love having the greenhouse, and I have been recommending to a lot of people because…


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Commercial size greenhouse with Solexx Covering

A customer in Upton, Wyoming built a 20’ x 40’ greenhouse to cover their raised vegetable beds. They used 3.5mm Solexx as the greenhouse covering to extend their season and get more food production in their harsh Wyoming climate.

“Really love having the greenhouse, and I have been recommending to a lot of people because in Wyoming there is W-I-N-D…not a problem with Solexx, and just overall it has been great.”

Here is a list she sent us of all she had canned so far in the season:

  • Tomatoes — canned 47 quarts; 20 pts.  Juice (the first of my 67 years).
  • Beets  — 23 pints
  • Carrots — 10 quarts
  • Green Beans — 30 quarts canned, MANY used as fresh
  • Strawberries — frozen 30 cups, eaten probably more
  • Sage — dried 4 – 5 cuttings
  • Asparagus — 3rd year,so limited harvest—and ate it all fresh
  • Bell Peppers — dried and frozen — highest ever grown, even in Illinois
  • Lettuce and Spinach — spring and fall — ate it fresh and gave a lot away also.

Read more about the benefits of Solexx

Greenhouse over raised beds to extend the growing season in wyoming
Greenhouse from the inside. Growing in several large raised beds.

One response to “Greenhouse Extends Season in Wyoming”

  1. Jennifer J. Avatar
    Jennifer J.

    I am curious as to how they heated their greenhouse and the cost. How long into the winter did they grow?

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