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Recommended Greenhouse Accessories

To get the most out of your Solexx Greenhouse, we offer several accessories to help improve your greenhouse growing experience and protect your investment.

Deluxe Tie Down Kit
Keep your greenhouse safe and secure in strong wind with the easy-to-install kit. Twist the 14-1/2″ tie-down anchors into the ground next to your greenhouse and attach the J-hook to the greenhouse frame. Turnbuckles connect the frame to the anchor. Easily disconnects should you want to move your greenhouse. Attach anchors every eight feet.

HN-10 15″ Anchor Tie Down Kit

Tie Down Kit to secure the greenhouse

Note: While tie down augers are effective in most situations, proper conditions are required to prevent failure. Improperly tightened or loose anchors, high winds, loose or sandy soil, waterlogged or flooded soil, or extremely rocky soil can contribute to anchors pulling out of the ground. You will need to determine the best means to anchor the kit for your unique situation. If you have concerns about your conditions, a concrete perimeter, concrete slab, or corner holes are good alternatives to anchoring into soil.

Solexx Shelving Packages
Support heavy plants in your greenhouse. Designed exclusively to fit Solexx Greenhouse bench frames, these sturdy wire racks allow good drainage and continuous air circulation around your plants. The white powder-coated finish resits rust and reflects light back to your plants. Includes mounting ties for simple assembly and installation.

HN-18 8′ Back Shelf Package (24″ x 94″)

HN-19 8′ Side Shelf Package (29″ x 94″)

Greenhouse shelf made for Solexx

Greenhouse Flooring
Eliminate weeds from your greenhouse floor
The perfect way to finish your greenhouse.

  • Durable, black polypropylene flooring eliminates weeds from the floor of your greenhouse while allowing water to drain.
  • Easy to install.
  • Wire stakes included.
  • Several sizes in stock. Custom order available.

HN-29 10’x10′ Greenhouse Flooring

Greenhouse flooring

Ventilation and Cooling

Greenhouse Circulation Fan
Powerful, commercial-grade circulation fan
This energy-efficient fan is designed specifically for use in a greenhouse.

  • Strong five-wing aluminum blades generate constant air movement for healthier plants.
  • Low noise level.
  • Heavy-duty, totally enclosed, maintenance free and energy efficient motor.
  • Adjustable mount provides for easy versatile installation.
  • Variable speed capability.
  • Larger sizes available

HV-40 8″ Circulation Fan

Circulation fan

Greenhouse Exhaust Fan
Powerful exhaust fans for large spaces
If you need rapid air exchange in your greenhouse, then this is your fan. You will appreciate the rugged design of this high-powered fan.

  • Heavy-gauge galvanized steel frame reduces rust and corrosion.
  • Contains a thermally-protected motor.
  • Thermostat and wiring are included, 115v.
  • 760 CFM
  • Larger size fans and intake louvers available

HV-50 12″ Exhaust Fan

Exhaust Fan

Black Greenhouse Shade Cloth
Protect your plants from the summer heat
Reusable black polypropylene 50% shade cloth filters out excess sunlight reducing heat on hot summer days. Lower inside temperatures help protect your special plants and prolong the life of your greenhouse panels. Reinforced, hemmed edges with grommets make attachment and removal easy.

Available in several sizes and can be customed ordered to your specifications.

HV-92 8′ x 12′ Black Greenhouse Shade Cloth

Greenhouse shade cloth